Do you want to explore the fascinating geography of Haiti? Are you looking for information about the country’s ten departments, 42 arrondissements, 145 communes, and 571 communal sections? If so, then this blog post is for you! We’ll explore the intriguing details of each region and discuss why they are important to understanding Haiti.

Introduction to Haiti’s Geography

Haiti is an island nation in the Caribbean Sea that is home to a vibrant culture and warm, welcoming people. It is divided administratively into ten departments, which are further subdivided into 42 arrondissements, 145 communes, and 571 communal sections. Each department has a unique history and culture, and each arrondissement provides something special to the overall beauty of Haiti. From the lush and mountainous Artibonite region to the vibrant and colourful Nord-Est region, Haiti has something for everyone. Let’s get to know each of Haiti’s 10 departments in closer detail.

Department of Artibonite

The department of Artibonite lies in the center of Haiti and is home to some of the country’s most important cities, including Gonaïves. It has a total population of 1,515,911 as of 2019 and is divided into six arrondissements: Gonaïves, Grand-Saline, Marmelade, Mirebalais, Verrettes and Saint-Michel de l’Attalaye. Artibonite has 145 communes and 571 communal sections. Agriculture is a major economic activity in the region, with rice being the main crop. The region’s natural resources include limestone, copper and zinc ore.

Department of Centre

The Department of Centre is located in Haiti’s Central Plateau region, and is the second most populous department in the country. It is home to the capital city of Port-au-Prince, as well as several other large cities and towns. Centre is divided into five arrondissements and twenty-one communes. The department is renowned for its vibrant culture, rich history, and beautiful landscape. Centre is a popular tourist destination, offering visitors a wide array of attractions from historic sites to stunning scenery to vibrant nightlife. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing getaway or an exciting adventure, Centre has something for everyone!

Department of Grand’Anse

The Department of Grand’Anse is the westernmost region of Haiti and is bordered by the Dominican Republic to the east. It has an area of 2,732 square kilometers and a population of 517,938. The capital of the department is Jérémie. This department is subdivided into four arrondissements: Anse d’Hainault, Grand-Gosier, Jérémie, and Chardonnières. There are 33 communes and 183 communal sections in this department. Grand’Anse is known for its stunning landscapes, lush green mountains, rivers, and beaches. It is also home to many historical sites such as the Citadelle Laferrière, a fortress built in the 19th century by Henri Christophe to defend against foreign invaders. The department is also known for its bustling markets, where a variety of goods can be bought and sold.

Department of Nippes

The Department of Nippes is situated in south-western Haiti and is bordered by the departments of Grand’Anse, Sud, and Sud-Est. It is divided into six arrondissements and twenty-two communes. The department has a population of around 943,000 people and covers an area of 1,945 square kilometers. The main economic activities in the department include farming, fishing, and tourism. The capital of the department is Miragoâne. The area also contains a variety of historical sites, such as the Citadelle Laferrière, a fortress built in 1820 to protect the country from foreign invaders.

Department of Nord

The department of Nord is located in the northern part of Haiti and is bordered by the Dominican Republic to the east. It is divided into four arrondissements: Cap-Haïtien, Borgne, Limonade, and Quartier-Morin. The capital of the department is Cap-Haïtien. It is home to some of the country’s most important historical sites, including Fort Liberte and Citadelle Laferrière. The department also has some beautiful beaches, such as Labadee and Anse-à-Foleur. Nord is an agricultural region, with coffee, mangoes, limes, and coconuts being some of the major crops grown in the area. Tourism is also an important source of income for the region, with many people coming to explore its beaches and historical sites.

Department of Nord-Est

The Nord-Est department is located in the northern part of Haiti and has a population of over 500,000 people. It is home to the cities of Fort-Liberté and Ouanaminthe. The department is divided into five arrondissements: Fort-Liberté, Trou-du-Nord, Ferrier, Cap-Haïtien, and Ouanaminthe. The arrondissements are further divided into communes, which are then divided into communal sections. The Nord-Est department is an important agricultural region, producing many of Haiti’s crops, including coffee, cocoa, and sugar cane. It also has several factories and industries that manufacture a variety of products. In addition, the Nord-Est department is home to several tourist attractions, including the Citadelle Laferrière, the Sans Souci Palace, and the Bassin Bleu waterfall.

Department of Nord-Ouest

The Department of Nord-Ouest is located in the northwest corner of Haiti and is the sixth largest department in the country. It is bordered by the departments of Artibonite, Centre, Nord, and Nord-Est. Nord-Ouest has a total of 11 arrondissements, 32 communes, and 131 communal sections. The department’s capital is Port-de-Paix. The main economic activities in the department are fishing, subsistence farming, and tourism. The main tourist attraction is the Citadelle Henry Christophe, which is a fortress built in 1820 by King Henry Christophe.

Department of Ouest

The Department of Ouest is the most populous department in Haiti, with over 4 million inhabitants. It is home to the capital city of Port-au-Prince, as well as other major cities such as Carrefour, Croix-des-Bouquets, and Pétionville. The department also includes several other cities, towns and villages. The department is further divided into 11 arrondissements, 72 communes, and 243 communal sections. It plays an important role in Haiti’s economy, with its major industries being agriculture, trade and manufacturing. The region also has many tourist attractions, including several beaches and historical monuments.

Department of Sud

The Department of Sud is located in the southern part of Haiti, and is divided into four arrondissements: Les Cayes, Chardonnières, Camp-Perrin, and Torbeck. It has a population of over one million people and is known for its lush landscapes and beaches. It is also home to some of Haiti’s most important agricultural regions, including the Valley of Cul-de-Sac and the Eastern Plains region. The capital city of this department is Les Cayes, and it is a major port city that serves as a hub for commerce and transportation in Haiti.

Department of Sud-Est

The Department of Sud-Est is known for its stunning scenery, ranging from lush mountains to sprawling coastlines. The department is further subdivided into three arrondissements: Jacmel, Marigot, and Anse-à-Pitres. In addition to these three arrondissements, the department also has five communes: Bainet, Camp-Perrin, Marigot, Aquin, and Côte-de-Fer. Each commune is further divided into communal sections, with a total of 42 communal sections in the Department of Sud-Est. The Department of Sud-Est is a popular tourist destination due to its stunning beaches and lush mountain ranges. It is also home to many cultural attractions such as museums and art galleries.


In conclusion, Haiti is divided into 10 departments, 42 arrondissements, 145 communes and 571 communal sections. This division is an important part of understanding the country’s geography and political structure. It provides a framework for understanding the various regions and their respective populations. From the largest department to the smallest communal section, this division is essential in mapping out the nation.

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